Innovative Solutions for Diagnostics
From at-home testing to analysis in clinical laboratories, Porex solutions play a critical role in diagnostics every day. With the goal of improving assay sensitivity and simplifying workflow, our preanalytical solutions focus on enhancing sample collection and preparation.
Our sample collection solutions make patient samples accessible for downstream testing with solutions that provide precise volume collection, high analyte concentration and sample adequacy indication for test users. Sample purification standardizes non-homogenous sample types and filtration removes inhibitors that affect assay sensitivity. With the ability to refine filtration efficiency and the option to incorporate reagents, Porex components can replace advanced steps in your workflow, simplifying access to pure analyte.
Our solutions are used in lateral flow assays, serving as sample, conjugate, and absorbent pads as well as integrated sample collection, such as solutions for midstream urine, saliva or nasal samples. In cartridge-based or microfluidic systems, Porex solutions provide crucial functionalities such as venting, reagent storage, reagent mixing, and facilitate debubbling, ensuring seamless integration of diagnostic platforms to ensure accurate results. Combined filtration, reagent storage, and reagent mixing provides accurate dosing from point of care devices to clinical laboratories.
Whether you’re exploring sample collection and sample preparation solutions or seeking more complex solutions, our team of experts is ready to collaborate with you. We transform your vision into reality through innovative and bespoke products designed to meet your unique requirements.

Sample Collection Media
Porex offers a comprehensive range of sample collection media to ensure accurate analysis and optimal sample preservation. Our innovative porous polymer solutions meet the stringent requirements of diverse industries, including medical, environmental, forensic, and research applications.

Sample Preparation Media
Samples must go through critical preparation steps to enable reliable diagnostic testing. In order to achieve the highest sensitivity, diagnostic tests require purified analytes – free from inhibitors – at a high concentration.

Lateral Flow Assay
The robustness of Porex TruFlowTM synthetic fiber pads ensures easy adaptability for reel-to-reel applications, as well as soaking and spraying processing steps. Porex TruFlow lateral flow assay pads do not include any glass fiber or cellulose, which ensures increased strength and durability for manufacturing.

Microfluidic Cartridges
Our certified pure POREX® materials ensure optimal performance, accuracy, and reproducibility while minimizing interference with critical samples and assays. The components can be easily integrated into your device using common manufacturing techniques, making the manufacturing process more efficient.