Porex is proud to welcome the following organizations as Preferred Converters
To better serve customers who require secondary processing of sheet and film products in order to meet their product design challenges, Porex created the Preferred Converter Program. This unique program consists of a select group of converter companies from around the world that have demonstrated the knowledge and expertise required to handle and process a wide array of POREX® porous media.
Preferred Converters have been trained on Porex materials and are fully aligned with our quality standards so they are able to offer the highest levels of quality, performance and service.

Interstate Specialty Products offers precision custom die-cutting services to manufacture high-performance components and gaskets. We understand that our customers—including manufacturers in science, medical, industrial, filtration, and electronics—put their trust in us to deliver components that will support their products and represent the highest standards of quality and reliability. It is a responsibility we take seriously.
For more information on Porex products available through Interstate, click on the appropriate category below:
For more information on Porex products available through Interstate, contact ISP or send a request:
Interstate Specialty Products
55 Gilmore Drive
Sutton, MA 01590
Phone: 1-800-984-1811
FAX: 800-977-4342

For more information on Porex products available through Marian, visit their website or through the following links:
Marian Inc.
1011 E. Saint Clair Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Phone: 1-800-773-0062
Parafix is a long established converter and distributor of self adhesive tapes, foams, films, foils and other flexible materials. Our core business is converting these materials into bespoke components and every year we produce over 350 million die-cuts. We offer a unique combination of long developed capabilities, the latest in converting technology and close partnerships with world leading adhesive material manufacturers.
For more information on Porex products available through Parafix, click on the appropriate category below:
For more information on Porex products available through Parafix, contact Parafix or send a request:
Parafix Tapes & Conversions Ltd.
Spencer Rd
Lancing Business Park
Lancing, West Sussex
BN15 8UA
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)1903 750000
For more information on Porex products available through Technology International, visit their website.